SOOC: Wedding video, August 24, 1975 – Blue Point, Long Island

Straight Out Of Camera (so to speak).

Mom and dad’s wedding – no edits, basic color balance from Meraki Mou on Vimeo.

My parents’ wedding. August 1975 in Blue Point (Long Island), NY at St. John Greek Orthodox Church.

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Not exactly SOOC, I used the super basic color correction in FCX (side note: I miss the old FCP!), but nothing else.

There is no audio on the original.

This is a digital transfer of a VHS copy of a film reel, but the original quality wasn’t fanastic either.

Will be doing exposure and color corrections on this, section by section, as there was a lot of splicing in the film. Not sure what I can do for stability or strobe/film flicker but I will work on it.

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