
Audio: March – April 1985; Daphne and Mavrothi visit us in Dracut

Tape 1, side 2.

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A little present for my Baba

About 5 years ago, my father received a lifetime achievement award at his company for many, many years of innovation, leadership, and hard work. Understandably he’s been quite proud of this achievement and we were all tickled to see him honored in a company video. Earlier this year my mother contacted his company’s marketing department and they were kind enough to send us a copy of his award ceremony’s video – even though it was from 2007, thankfully they still had it on file!

I promised Baba I’d include his video as part of my family film archive project. So without further ado, here it is.

Here’s Baba receiving his Lifetime Achievement Award right after this video was shown. That award in his hand is still proudly on display at home.